The Waubesa Sailing Club was founded as a not-for-profit club more than 35 years ago and consists of active sailors of all experience levels.

Our official season is from June to early September. We schedule beer can (casual) races on Sundays, and many social events.

By: Laurie Boehlke, Secretary

Our Mission: Promote safe and enjoyable sailing

The Waubesa Sailing Club encourages all age groups and skill levels to participate and enjoy the sport of sailing. The club promotes adult and youth sailing; offers basic sailing knowledge and safety practices; encourages all members to actively participate in the club; offers amateur races; and accommodates a variety of sailboats.

The club also welcomes community members to meet and participate in club races and social events.

Board Members

Tim Gaffney, Commodore

Teri Keeler, Vice Commodore

Cari Redington, Treasurer

Laurie Boehlke, Secretary

Ben Peirce, Pier Master

Jeannine Cash

Susan Ottmann

Krista Borrego

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