Club Membership Benefits
Access to McDaniel Pier
Reserved, Affordable Sailboat Lift Space in McDaniel Park, McFarland
Installation and Removal of Lifts by Established Company (Negotiated Low Rate)
Complimentary Off-Season Lift Storage in McDaniel Park
Mentor/Mentee Program
Opportunity to Crew on Various Types of Boats
Novice Paired with an Experienced Skipper
Sailing Safety and Basics Dryland Sessions
Help and Expert Advice
Purchasing and Selling a Sailboat
Boat and Lift Maintenance
Boat and Lift Repairs
Finding and Moving Lifts
Rigging, Launching, and Removal of Sailboats
Social Events
Pirates’ Day
Poker Run (Charitable Event)
Venetian Night Boat Parade
Public, Friends, and Family Sail Day
Annual Awards Picnic
Annual Sailors’ Corn Roast
Spring Ahead Sailors' Social (SASS)
Guest Speakers Sharing Best Practices
Sunday "Beer Can" Races
July/August Thursday Evening Races
Race the Lake and Social
Ladies at The Helm Sail
After Race Gatherings at Christy's Landing or Green Lantern
Family Friendly Benefits
Family Membership $115
Individual Membership $95
Crew and Social Membership $35
Boat not Required for Membership